Energy workshops to focus on legislation and carbon footprint reduction
14 June 2011
Three energy specialists have come together to run seminars in Livingstone and Newcastle exploring the potential for harnessing the impact of new and pending legislation. Controls specialist Mitsubishi Electric, motor maker Brook Crompton and energy consultants Power Quality Management will host the events on 5 and 7 July respectively. Recent legislative changes are impacting on the use of energy and motors in industry, and this will form the basis of the events.
The event will examine how current and emerging technologies can reduce costs and achieve a low carbon footprint. Strategies for optimising systems to reduce carbon will be covered and presenters will identify how funding can be released by both SMEs and high volume end user. The whole focus will be on practicalities, covering issues such as motor regulation, energy saving, power quality, carbon grants, CRC developments, collecting and using energy data.
More information is available here.
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