NewbyCom announces new engineering event to run alongside FAST and IASE
28 February 2012
NewbyCom, in association with Engineering Subcontractor magazine, has announced a new event - The Engineering Subcontractor Exhibition to be held on October 18 2012, at the National Motorcycle Museum, Birmingham. This event is targeted at engineering subcontractors who are seeking the latest machinery, products and processes. It will take place alongside Newbycom's FAST and IASE exhibitions.
The Engineering Subcontractor Exhibition continues the style of innovative 'roadshow' exhibitions carefully focused on the needs of senior manufacturing management and design/production engineers and buyers – bringing a problem solving forum to your doorstep – and offering a complimentary bacon roll and a brew for all pre-registered VIP visitors. In addition, all visitors will receive a free Motorcycle Museum pass (worth £8.95 each).
Entry to the exhibition is free and you can pre-register here.